back to the beach

To a house filled with memories and walls full of pictures. To bigs, littles, sisters, and friends; to Devon Heaven, Seven, and Six; to tradition, history, and legacy. To nights and mornings in the nook, broken windows, and revolving doors. To a neverending supply of wine, beer, and tequila, and to sharing through recycling. To cheers-ing, celebrating, and remembering. To watching the sunset every night, to sand between your toes, and to skinny dipping outside your front door.  To your second home on the Comber dance floor, to frequenting the Pennant Rooftop, and to your new best friend, Sara. To one less shot and many more memories, to working hard and playing harder, and to the patio- dance, bbq, dance, drink, and dance the shit out of it. To nights in, real talks, and real life. To keeping things in perspective, doing what you love, and being ok. To staying young, growing up, and never letting down. To confidence, optimism, and inspiring through being. To a year you will always remember, friends you will never forget, and a house that will always be.