I love coffee shops with character. The color red and all things green. I love coconut and tequila, but not together. I love loving a book. I love the smell of Tahoe and the familiar smell of the ocean when I get off my exit. I love the feeling of history that accompanies all things vintage. I love the smell of basil and the feeling of growing it in my own backyard. I love almond joys and the occasional Peppermint Patty. I love pillows between my legs and being wrapped in a blanket. I love smiles and brown eyes. I love, love, love red wine and cooking for people I care about. I love the small details and the big picture. I love dancing by myself and singing with everyone. I love how I feel when I walk in heels, but I hate actually walking in them. I love being spontaneous and sometimes stupid. I love the feeling of butterflies and endorphins, especially at the same time. I love thinking and hate over-thinking. I love making the perfect gift and getting excited to give it away. I love best friends, surfer boys, and foreign men. I love guilty pleasures and black lace. I love the sound of the ocean and the warm happiness of sunshine. I love the comfort of cozy socks and a warm body next to me. I love creativity, value optimism, and cherish excitement. I love waking up to flowers and falling asleep to candles. I love the feeling of holding a big coffee mug with two hands. I love Polaroid pictures and black and white photos, hidden talents and weird obsessions. I love all the possibility in music. I love passion and sex, romance, and most of all, love.

back to the beach

To a house filled with memories and walls full of pictures. To bigs, littles, sisters, and friends; to Devon Heaven, Seven, and Six; to tradition, history, and legacy. To nights and mornings in the nook, broken windows, and revolving doors. To a neverending supply of wine, beer, and tequila, and to sharing through recycling. To cheers-ing, celebrating, and remembering. To watching the sunset every night, to sand between your toes, and to skinny dipping outside your front door.  To your second home on the Comber dance floor, to frequenting the Pennant Rooftop, and to your new best friend, Sara. To one less shot and many more memories, to working hard and playing harder, and to the patio- dance, bbq, dance, drink, and dance the shit out of it. To nights in, real talks, and real life. To keeping things in perspective, doing what you love, and being ok. To staying young, growing up, and never letting down. To confidence, optimism, and inspiring through being. To a year you will always remember, friends you will never forget, and a house that will always be. 

"When you do what you love, you feel excited about life... and that excitement carries with you throughout the day and that positive energy is channeled unto those around you". When you do what you love you not only benefit yourself, but you have opportunity to better the day of those around you with the smile of enthusiasm your day has brought you. In other words, inspiring others towards happiness, brings you happiness. Its the ideology of "paying it forward."

or are you?

define, differentiate, favor

I've always been a fan of favorites. They are a place of passion, a source of comfort, a special connection, a point of discovery, and a foundation of memories.  I find that I'm constantly asking myself what my current favorites are, because like myself, they're always changing. 

- Song: "Guide Me" by Arno Ebias and "Soon it will be Cold Enough to Build Fires" by Emancipator
- Website: stumbleupon.com
- Flower: fluffy white hydrangeas
- Quote: Simple is Beautiful
- Oddity: Zodiac signs
- Obsession: Traveling
- Gift: Music
- Fruit: Peach
- Photo(s):

solitude and happy spaces