"the only thing we care more about than yoga, is you"

“…when you relax more and appreciate your body and mind, you begin to contact the fundamental notion of basic
goodness in yourself. So it is extremely important to be willing to open yourself to yourself."

What are you hungry for?
As she opened her eyes, she felt the San Francisco sunshine peering through her window. She stretched her arms and legs into the softness of her plush bed wishing her a good morning and a promising day. She felt grateful for the beauty and comfort that surrounded her, yet pained with a hunger she couldn’t quite understand. As she moved throughout her day, she nourished herself with knowledge and good people and quality experiences… promises she thought would leave her satiated. But she still felt hungry.

Her mind told her to excel, and to challenge itself… to live in a city that provided her the tools and opportunities to get there, wherever that was. She didn’t know, but she couldn’t stop searching. Her heart, however, told her to slow down and to listen and to share and to love. It wasn’t often that she listened to her heart though…  her thoughts were too loud and they made perfect sense.

Prior to my time at Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute, I lived in a state of chasing. I was too overwhelmed with influence to understand the simplicity of what I needed and more importantly, what I wanted. My time in Puerto Rico provided me an experience of myself that I will never forget. It wasn't the beach, it was the healing. I was living from my heart; I felt in tune and purpose-filled.  The potential of a life experience that is exactly the one I want for myself, and more importantly, the one I wish for others. I felt the capacity of my heart to feel... I felt the strength in my softness. In that strength, I found my purpose.

She realized that she wasn’t hungry, she was in fact, full. She didn’t need food or technology or things; she needed the space to feel her fullness.

"Healers are spiritual warriors who have found the courage 

to defeat the darkness of their souls. Awakening and rising from 

the depths of their deepest fears, like a Phoenix rising from the ashes. 

Reborn with a wisdom and strength that creates a light that shines 

bright enough to help, encourage, and inspire others out of their own darkness." 

melanie koulouris

if you meet Mr. Right before you're ready, you won't do all the amazing things the universe has in store for you

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the journey of yourself is the most rewarding one you will ever take... so why spend all the time looking out the window?

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you don't build a business you build people and then people build the business

Falling Into Love

There once was a girl who thought she was brave.
She climbed mountains prove she wasn’t a slave.
She denied help because she’d have to admit,
She may need to be rescued or actually commit. 
It was a risk she wasn’t willing to take.
She knew there was a chance her heart would break.
Then, this life she would surely want to forsake.

She despised the idea of someone else catching her fall.
Cause then, she would owe it all.
See, in her life there was a condition,
For love borrowed without permission.
Somehow, someway she kept hoping and wishing,
That one day there would be someone to love her
In the way she’d been missing.
Someone willing to listen,
Even on the days she started slipping.

So she tried and tried to give herself fully.
But no one wanted her,
She was too unruly.
Discouraged, she began to guard her soul.
She refused to be a fool.
Her walls went up,
Higher and higher with each ache,
How could they not?
The pain was too great.  
She began to give up until the day
She finally realized
She was worthy.
Extraordinary was always a part of her story. 

She didn’t need to be brave in order to be saved,
Cause she already had the love she so craved.
Inside of her was the tallest mountain of all, 
Filled with no fear even if she were to fall.
It was then she had a realization,
Which would be the catalyst for an eros creation.
The truth of it all had been there the whole time,
Just waiting for her,
To release her grip of the side.
She didn’t need to be scared to let go,
Cause the act of letting go
Was always in her control.

So she did,
And she tumbled
Into the arms of that someone
Who promised her,
It was finally safe
To crumble.  
By Rebecca Lammersen

print this out and make a conscious effort to remind yourselves. romanticize them all. 

The Problem:
“I’ve had a few good relationships but they dump me ’cause I’m boring and work 
all the time and don’t pay enough attention to them.”

The Solution:
“Find a partner-in-crime, a match, an equal, a queen."