the sad part is that all we’re trying to do is not feel that underlying uneasiness. 
the sadder part is that we proceed in such a way that the uneasiness only gets worse. 
the message here is that the only way to ease our pain is to experience it fully. 

learn to stay

learn to stay with uneasiness 

learn to stay with the tightening

learn to stay with the itch and urge of shenpa (attachment) 

so that the habitual chain reaction doesn’t continue to rule our lives, and the patterns 
that we consider unhelpful don’t keep getting stronger as the days and months and years go by.

once you see what you do 

how you get hooked 

and how you get swept away 

it’s hard to be arrogant 

this honest recognition softens you up and humbles you in the best sense. 
it also begins to give you confidence in your basic goodness. 

when we are not blinded 

by the intensity of our emotions

when we allow a bit of space

a chance for a gap

when we pause

we naturally know what to do

we begin, due to our own wisdom, to move toward letting go and fearlessness. 
due to our own wisdom, we gradually stop strengthening habits that only bring us more pain. 
let whatever moves you, move you toward your ‘basic goodness.’

let your hardships be your greatest healers

 let your pain be your teacher

learn to stay

"thank you for your inspiration. you have changed my life, just by being you." 

be kind to yourself! 
surround yourself with people and experiences which allow you 
to receive and inspire you to explore who you are. rather than focusing on everyone else 
in the room, tune into your experience and find confidence in the authenticity of that experience. 
trust your own beautiful process and allow yourself to navigate your journey in a way 
that nourishes your authentic self. you may not feel how you want to feel at this moment, 
but that's ok. provide yourself a safe and loving space to grow and you are walking 
towards an experience of yourself that is free of attachment and grounded in intuition. 
rock any room? rock the world! :)

The only reason we don’t open our hearts and minds to other people is that they trigger confusion 

in us that we don’t feel brave enough or sane enough to deal with. To the degree that we look clearly

and compassionately at ourselves, we feel confident and fearless about looking into someone else’s eyes.

Pema Chodron

i am a strong woman with an enlightened imagination and a 
passion for intimate connections and inspiring experiences 

may we all become open to accepting our own extraordinary sexy from the 
understanding that it resides unwavering, uninhibited and unmatched within each of us

your life wants to open up to you because it craves your participation.
but the universe is a gentleman. it will hold the door open, but you have to walk through it

the truth is that real love requires real inner work that most people just aren’t interested in. 
it requires that we first be happy in our solitude; that we come to know ourselves, accept ourselves and love ourselves. we have to find our peace of mind, find our purpose, our passion, our joie de vivre
what we call “true love” is that rare and sacred union that happens when two people join in this dance together.

it is a friendship, a love affair and an act of worship. passion, lust, affection, caring, trustrespect and devotion all become part of an exquisite surrenderlovers merge with each other and with the vast, wild universe. neither knows for sure if it will last a weekend or a lifetimeit doesn’t matter.

falling in love feels like an accidental occurrence to many people, but in spiritual terms it is not - it is the entrance point to love's eternal journey. because when our hearts break open, it is really about forming new connections with ourselveswith our art, with each other. our hearts break to let us know love.

everything changes when you start to emit your own frequency

 rather than absorb the frequencies around you

when you start imprinting your intent on the universe 

rather than receiving an imprint from existence

it is said that what you focus on expands  
that which you put your attention on will grow in your life  
so ask yourself

"is what i'm focusing on what i want to watch grow?" 

ayurvedic medicine is all about maintenance of balance in the body. it teaches how 
to live by balancing the body and mind. it is in fact more than a form of medicine. 
it is not merely about treating the diseases. ayurveda is a way of life.


ayurveda approaches any disease to cure it from the root cause, not merely 
suppressing the symptoms. it focuses on internal healing rather than the
treatment. it helps the body reconnects with mind and its natural intelligence. 

centuries ago, the great sage Patanjali laid out a kind of map —
one that suggests not just asana and meditation but also
 attitudes and behaviors - to help you chart your own course to contentment.

8 Limbs of Yoga









rather than interpreting yamas and niyamas as a mandatory "to-do list," 
view them as invitations to act in ways that promote inner and outer peace and bliss.
they create harmony within you, and in relationship to your environment and to others. 
where there is harmony, consciousness can expand. they lead us 
to a natural revelation of insight into the nature of being, and joy naturally arises.

the path of practice begins with understanding and refining the 
different dimensions of who you are, and it unfolds progressively, not all at once. 
the whole goal of yoga is Self-realization, which can also be called freedom. 
the yamas and niyamas provide you infinite opportunities to truly transform your life.

everything is energy and that's all there is to it. 
match the frequency of the reality you want 
and you cannot help but get that reality. 
it can be no other way. 

-albert einstein
you can't run after contentment... it has to find you 
all you can do is try to create the space for it 

tapas is the willingness to do the work, which means 
developing discipline, enthusiasm, and a burning desire to learn 

when you use your will to overcome your conditioning, you free yourself 
from the many unconscious actions that causes suffering 

yes, discipline is actually the path to happiness

who are you and what grand and glorious adventures are you going to receive today? 

don't look for an answer just be open to receiving the energy of it

it was like riding a rocket of non-judgement to a universe of simply intensely, spaciously
non-judgemently and joyfully being. all that is required is that we choose it, and be ready to receive it, 
and then allow it to show up. the synergy of being and presence and kindness and caring and gentleness 
and the joy of embodiment filled my body. it's all about receiving more, knowing more, being more, perceiving more. 

the universe has your back! 

There are gurus everywhere, teachers everywhere, in every part of every moment, 
even those moments we wish never happened. IF we pay attention. Like the 
lotus flower, something good, maybe even beautiful, can come out of the mud. 
There will be mud. Oh man will there be mud! But we pay attention, 
we practice paying attention, and with time and breath, the mud clears. 

And something better takes its place.

i step onto my mat, and the crowd goes silent

i continue to move; i continue to breath 

each part of me is engaged in this dance 

this movement, fluid like water

breath moves, body moves

and i am on a cloud

10 Things To Practice for Staying Alive As a Teacher: 

1. Wake up early. Discipline = Freedom
2. Create a beautiful and personal altar where you practice. Ritual is habit made holy.
3. Run to your mat. Roll out your mat and roll out your true self. 
4. Commit to a certain amount of time and stay with it, this creates confidence. 
5. Bring your friends, Mick Jagger and Mary Oliver: music and poetry. 
6. Remember that you are already a yogi, all that is required is a sense of adventure. 
7. Turn off your iPhone. 
8. Notice the obstacles, call them out and blow past them.
9. Remember: You are the student and you are the teacher. 
10. "Teach what you practice, practice what you teach." —Krshnamacharya

Be inspired by all your teachers, but do you

the only way to be fresh and happily received is to stay inspired... because we all want to feel inspired

 make it personal, it's the most universal. stay on the path and keep it real

the tricky part is, as a highly sensitive healer and woman 
with deep compassion for human suffering, she no doubt has 
walls of her own that you will have to be willing to 
tear down for her to feel safe enough to let you in. 

therein lies her beautiful complexity

practice seeing each person's unique and extraordinary beauty 
the more you do this, the more your everyday interactions become magical 
and more and more flavors of intimacy become available to you


when you trust the energetic system of yourself, you find that none of these states 
are random. they all fit into the magnificent ecology of you

think about how to facilitate freedom, pleasure, love, expanded awareness, 
and lucid dreaming with friends, lovers, strangers, and fellow adventurers. 

don't wait for it to happen - be the drugs you wish to take in the world!