like yoga
life is a practice, not a "perfect"
small, positive steps add up
and can eventually become habits
Valerie Reiss

a strong practice cultivates self-discipline and sharpens focus, 
both of which are invaluable tools for success. 

what do you practice?

just as important as strength, is softness


It is love that fashions us into the fullness of our being. Not our looks, 
not our work, not our wants, not our achievements, not our parents, 
not our status, not our dreams. These all are the fodder and the filler, 
the navigating fuels of our lives; but it is love: who we love, 
how we love, why we love, and that we love which ultimately shapes us.

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, smile, a kind word,
 a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of
caring, all which have the potential to turn a life around. 

I view yoga as a spiritual, psychological, and energetic journey that inspires greater understanding
of the true Self. I believe in the potency of breath as the most powerful natural resource for
deep transformation and connection to spirit.
Stacie Overby

 When your mind finally becomes quiet, the stunning thing that happens is, your heart opens.

All kindness, all gentle wisdom springs forth from your heart. Radiate this healing energy out to heal the world.

May we all become teachers of peace, and teach in the only way possible: by example.

Learn not to define yourself by what you are against; instead, define yourself by expressing with your actions
and your words what you are for.

Max Strom

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought:
it is founded on our thoughts, it is made up of our thoughts."
What we attempt on our mat is to become better human beings - 
more openhearted, more focused and patient, and, of 
course, physically healthy.  Our mat is where we begin to put 
self-transformative and spiritual concepts into action. 
Max Strom

the universe exists only through a constant dance of consistency and change
through consistency, consciousness finds meaning; 
through change it finds stimulation and expansion
to find consistency within change is to embrace the unfolding flow

one of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself or anyone else 
is inspiration. inspiration to get in touch with your dreams.
inspiration to seek out your deepest passions. inspiration 
to make a difference in the world, a difference that only you can make. 
this is not a place for successes; it's a place for significance. 
these aren't words about making a living; these are words about making a life. 
it's not about fame or acclaim; it's about contribution and service. 
instead of asking, "what can i get from life?"
watch what happens when you ask, 
"what can i give?"

what will you use as your wake-up call?

to be at peace with myself. i want a singleness of eye. a purity of intention.
a central core to my life that will enable me to carry out these 
obligations and activities as well as I can. "to live in grace" 
by grace I mean inner harmony, essentially spiritual, 
which can be translated into outward harmony.  

throughout your life there's a voice that only you can hear. 
it's called the true value of your life - 
a call to make a difference that only you can make. 
if you never hear it, something magical will be lost. 
but if you hear it and heed it, then your life will 
become a wonderful romance and adventure. 
now is the time. 
jump in. 
make a splash.

Change The World 

a short trip & a lasting impression, 2011

Dearest Michael, 

For many months, I have spent a lot of time in self-reflection and examination of my life. 
This is one of the things i was trying to tell you the other day; I was thinking about 
peace and contentment.  That we must know this in ourselves, first. Smell, 
taste, sight, touch and listening to our own mind and spirit. Everyday things. 
Everyday life. And during times of personal conflict and struggle, we must try 
to draw on the strength that the goodness of everyday things bring to us, 
to pull us through.  You bring joy , and life, and love to my heart everyday. 

Love, Mom