I believe in yoga. I believe in the potency of your breath, the power in connection, and the euphoria found through fresh air and a clean wholesome diet. I think to be happy... really, truly happy requires work: patience, practice, and perseverance. The magic happens when you can appreciate the process. I believe that life is full of opportunities and that chances multiply when you grab them. I believe that the key to success is found in a curiosity to know more, being vulnerable to change, leading with your heart and trusting your mind. "Look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true."  I believe in the importance of asking questions and the growth that happens through hearing answers. I believe that all people are fascinating and special and hold an experience with the world that only they can describe. I believe that our experience on the mat is directly related to our experience with the world. As our practice strengthens, our experience lightens. "When you find peace within yourself, you become the type of person who can live at peace with others." To me, yoga is my commitment to my best and truest self. A strong practice cultivates self-discipline and sharpens focus, both of which are invaluable tools for success. "Like yoga, life is a practice, not a 'perfect.' Small, positive steps add up and can eventually become habits."

Yoga, no matter where practiced, has the capacity to transform. However, when paired with an entirely new experience, such as travel, it evolves into something special…something powerful. It is a journey inward, perfectly complimented by our physical senses. When you put yourself in a new situation, with new people and in a new setting, you're more receptive to new experiences and the changes that are happening within. These little changes, however big or small, become "tastes" of a genuine YOU that reside in all of us. A new skill set or knowledge base that begins to cumulate in a tool box you didn't know existed. A perspective that will take you somewhere new and special and true. 

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